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Booking conditions

Beloved Friends,

Welcome to Café ZILT under very special circumstances. Right now we really appreciate your visit.


The starting point when drawing up these reservation conditions is in the first instance your and our health; our guideline for this is the rules imposed by the government and the advice of the trade association KHN.


  • Under the current circumstances, you must reserve a place with us; you are then assured of a pleasant break. Spontaneously popping in remains possible, but even then you should book at the door with all the uncertainty that entails.


  • When you arrive with us, we have to have a short 'intake' conversation with you. If we doubt your health or if you are perhaps in an apparent state, we are free to deny you access after all.


  • We cannot avoid counting on a minimum spend per person with your visit. For the first hour this is €15 and €12.50 for each subsequent hour. You are of course free to consume more than the minimum amount as long as we see that the rules of social hygiene are not exceeded.


  • If you want to cancel, you are of course free to do so, but we request that you do this no later than 24 hours in advance. It will be extremely difficult for us to achieve a business that is pleasant and feasible for you and ourselves if we cannot optimally fill the available places.


  • When you make a reservation, your details can be used on request for a contact investigation in the event of an unexpected infection with the 'Covid-19' virus. Of course you can count on our discretion when asked about this. We take into account the health of all of us as well as the protection of your and our personal data.


  • Once inside, we ask you to contribute to an increased hygiene awareness. Do not shake hands with other visitors, observe the minimum '1.5 meter standard', when you sneeze or cough, preferably do so 'into your elbow' and wash your hands at least 20 seconds after visiting the toilet.


  • Take into account the guests who come after you. Pay in time so that we have enough time to clean your table and stools and set up your place for the next visitors; they too want to get the most out of their visit. For the sake of general hygiene, we request that you do not pay with cash.


If you have ideas about how we can improve our services, we are open to your suggestions.


When you make a reservation you agree to the above conditions


Thank you for your visit and we look forward to seeing you again.

Cafe Zilt
Zeedijk 49


1012 AR Amsterdam


06 25277244  (from 12.00)

020 4215416 (from 17.00)

Opening hours





17:00 - 03:00

17:00 - 03:00

17:00 - 03:00


17:00 - 03:00

17:00 - 03:00

17:00 - 03:00

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